Mia and the White Lion

We write a text about the film ,,Mia and the White Lion”. You can watch this film wehn you are six years old. The film is about a girl what has moved. On Chistmas a white lion is born. The first Time Mia hate the lion but later she loves him. She followed her Dad and saw what they do with the lions. Her dad sold the lions and Tigers on a Hunter. Mia got fear and let in the night the other wild animals outside to protect charly (white lion). She want to bring charly in the Timbavati reservat. They must go a long and hard way. At the end Charly was quikly shot but Mia’s dad prevented it. Charly made into the Timbavati reservat and everyone was happy. Mia’s family later visited Charly and they see the Charly have a new family. Mia was very happy about it because she loves charly very great. the film have an happy end.

Nelly and Anika
action, comedy, Mia and the white Lion, happy end

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