Liverpool how cool

I tell you something about my weekend in Liverpool.
At the first day we walk to the Superlambanana my parents took a lot of photos I didn’t find it so interesting, it seens like a dogbanana. After that we ate something and went for a little shop. So the first day was not really good,but let see we have another day. At the next day we heart the hohl day Beatles songs it was terrible I can’t hear that anymore. But my Mom and Dad sang all of them with they like it ): . And that all because we want to go to the Beatles Walking Tour. I was surprised because it wasn’t that bad we became a lot of information and mad a lot of Quiz. At the middle of the walk we ate yummy food and enjoy the sunset with a story of the Beatles.
So the second day wasn’t that bad how I thought. Now I’m home and Liverpool was really cool and interesting, I can omit it. Go to Liverpool (;

Anna Friedrich

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