Horror Comedy from the year 2000
Its about an ghost-killer who kills quite a lot of persons. The movie was made in the USA and it based on the movie scream.
In the movie is a girl named Cindy Campbell who is the next victim of the killer named Ghostface.
But she isn`t the the only new victim, her friends are also under attack and the new victims from the killer.
You do see quite a lot of blood, but many parts of the movie are still really funny!
There are more movies beside Scary Movie 1 but they all have different killers.
I like the movie really much, even if there is a lot of blood.
I mostly like the movie because it can still be really funny, atleast most of the time.
I am pretty impressd by the really good acting from the different actors in the movie,
they can represent there emotion really good in the different parts.
My favorite actor is actually Ghost-Face himself, because he has the most scary voice from all of the actors.
I give Scary Movie 1 * * * * stars and I think its worth watching!
Marie B, Anna
scary movie , scream , horror , blood , Killer
Its a very cool movie and the text is informative and beautifully designed. You dont have any mistakes in the text and they have use linkwords. We like the text and the trailer its my favourite part because its funny and exciting. We have no suggestions to improve.
🙂 <3
It’s a realy good film, the plot is good you had discribed the caraters and the details. You have written a lot , this is nice! You used different adjektives and adverbs.you had a conclusion.grammer and spelling was correct!you have pu in a lot of effort. you havn’t a picture in you’re text ,its sad. Your Text with trailer is beatiful !
I really like your text there are many informations and the text is interesting. My favourite part was all the actors. You used different adjectives and verbs. Your sentences are not to long and not to short. I didn`t see mistakes. Your text is very long. I like the movie too because its very funny. There are names too. I think its perfect i love it.
I really liked what you wrote here because there is a lot of informationen in there. The details were interesting and funny. This was really fun to read because its very exciting. I liked when you used the word blood and ghostface, so you used special vocabulary for the topic. Its a very good text 🙂