Save the date: Europäische Fortbildung 2024 zu religiöser Bildung und Nachhaltigkeit

Bei dieser Fortbildung geht es um die Frage, wie religiöse Bildung und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung zusammenwirken, um Schüler:innen so besonders wirksames Lernen zu ermöglichen. Vom 20. bis 22. März 2024 lädt CoGREE Schulpädagog:innen aus ganz Europa nach Brüssel ein. Anhand von konkreten Best-Practice-Beispielen werden die Teilnehmenden neue Ideen für den Religionsunterricht oder die Gestaltung ihrer (religiösen) Schulgemeinschaft entwickeln. Diese Fortbildung richtet sich an Schulpädagog:innen, die sich für den Religionsunterricht interessieren, an Koordinatoren, Fortbildner:innen, Schulleitende sowie an Lehrkräfte.

In Folgeveranstaltungen (on- und offline) im Herbst 2024 und im Frühjahr 2025 werden die Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit haben, sich mit Wissenschaftler:innen auf diesem Gebiet auszutauschen und gemeinsam innovative Ansätze im Bereich der religiösen Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu entwickeln.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Veranstaltungen nur dann stattfinden, wenn ein erfolgreicher Antrag auf Finanzierung durch das EU-Programm Erasmus+ vorliegt.

Save the date: European training on religious education and sustainability in 2024

This training asks how religious education and education for sustainable development can act together and achieve a special impact in students’ learning today. From 20-22 March 2024 CoGREE invites school educators from around Europe to Brussels. Based on concrete best practice examples, participants will develop new ideas for teaching religious education or shaping their (religious) school community. This training is designed for school educators interested in religious education, coordinators, teacher trainers and school directors as well as teachers.

In follow-up events (both on- and offline) in fall 2024 and spring 2025, participants will have the chance get into exchange with researchers in the field and to take action together to create innovative approaches in the field of religious education for sustainable development.

Please note that these events will only take place provided a successful application for funding by the EU Erasmus+ programme.

Discussions about gender issues at CEEC – a summary

« If we wish to take an approach to the question of gender theory that is based on the path of dialogue, it is vital to bear in mind the distinction between the ideology of gender on the one hand, and the whole field of research on gender that the human sciences have undertaken, on the other. While the ideologies of gender claim to respond, as Pope Francis has indicated, “to what are at times understandable aspirations”, they also seek “to assert themselves as absolute and unquestionable, even dictating how children should be raised”, and thus preclude dialogue. However, other work on gender has been carried out which tries instead to achieve a deeper understanding of the ways in which sexual difference between men and women is lived out in a variety of cultures. It is in relation to this type of research than we should be open to listen, to reason and to propose.”

Source: “‘Male and Female he created them’: Towards a path of dialogue on the question of gender theory in Education” – Congregation for Catholic Education – 2 February 2019

Some pupils, sometimes very young, express their dismay over what they feel is a disjunction between their body and their “gender identity”. These issues have a particular resonance in schools, which are obviously not “above ground”. Schools are also affected by certain ideological struggles on these issues, which have a far-reaching impact.

Alongside the family, the school, as a place where knowledge is passed on, has an essential role to play in terms of human and spiritual awakening and self-appropriation, in its uniqueness. The conception of the human person based on the Gospel and the conviction of the importance of educating the whole person, body, soul and spirit, commit Catholic Education to addressing questions related to gender identity with the greatest respect for individuals, while ensuring that they are raised within the educational community and form part of an integral educational project.

Bearing in mind its educational responsibility, the Catholic school is fundamentally concerned about the dignity of each person it welcomes and vigilant in the way it considers the full development of the person (body, mind and soul) and the search for the common good as the unified aims of education.

The members of the European Committee for Catholic Education cannot avoid reflecting and sharing on this question. The CEEC assembly in Vilnius at the end of April 2023 was an opportunity to launch work that will have to continue in the years to come.

Diskussion zu Genderfragen bei CEEC – eine Zusammenfassung

Wenn hinsichtlich der Gender-Frage in der Bildung der Weg desDialogs eingeschlagen werden soll, darf nicht der Unterschied übersehenwerden zwischen der Gender-Ideologie und den verschiedenen Studien zumThema Gender, die von den Humanwissenschaften vorgelegt werden.Während die Ideologie vorgibt, wie Papst Franziskus feststellt, „gewissenund manchmal verständlichen Wünschen zu entsprechen“, sucht siedoch „sich als einzige Denkweise durchzusetzen und sogar die Erziehung der Kinder zu bestimmen“ und verhindert damit den Austausch;es gibt aber auch Untersuchungen zur Gender-Thematik, die angemessenzu vertiefen versuchen, wie in den verschiedenen Kulturen der sexuelleUnterschied zwischen Mann und Frau gelebt wird. Und in Bezug aufdiese Untersuchungen ist es möglich, sich für das Hinhören und Nachdenken zu öffnen und Vorschläge zu machen.

Quelle: “Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie“: Für einen Weg des Dialogs zur Gender-Frage im Bildungswesen – Kongregation für das Katholische Bildungswesen – 2. Februar 2019

Einige, teils noch sehr junge Schüler:innen äußern ihre Betroffenheit über die gefühlte Diskrepanz zwischen ihrem Körper und ihrer “Geschlechtsidentität”. Diese Themen finden in Schulen, die sich natürlich nicht in einem luftleeren Raum bewegen, besondere Resonanz. Die Schulen sind auch von bestimmten ideologischen Kämpfen zu diesen Themen betroffen, die weitreichende Auswirkungen haben.

Neben der Familie kommt der Schule als Ort der Wissensvermittlung in ihrer Einzigartigkeit eine wesentliche Rolle im Hinblick auf die menschliche und geistige Entwicklung und Selbstaneignung zu. Das auf dem Evangelium basierende Menschenbild und die Überzeugung, dass es wichtig ist, den ganzen Menschen mit Leib, Seele und Geist zu erziehen, verpflichten das katholische Bildungswesen dazu, Fragen der Geschlechteridentität mit größtem Respekt vor dem Einzelnen anzugehen und gleichzeitig dafür zu sorgen, dass sie in der Erziehungsgemeinschaft aufgegriffen werden und Teil eines ganzheitlichen Bildungsprojekts sind.

Im Bewusstsein ihrer erzieherischen Verantwortung ist die katholische Schule grundsätzlich besorgt um die Würde eines jeden Menschen, den sie aufnimmt, und wachsam in der Art und Weise, wie sie die volle Entfaltung der Person (Körper, Geist und Seele) und das Streben nach dem Gemeinwohl als einheitliche Ziele der Erziehung betrachtet.

Die Mitglieder des Europäischen Komitees für das Katholische Bildungswesen (CEEC) kommen nicht umhin, über diese Frage nachzudenken und sich auszutauschen. Die Vollversammlung des CEEC in Vilnius Ende April 2023 war eine Gelegenheit, die Arbeit aufzunehmen, die in den kommenden Jahren fortgesetzt werden muss.

EREnews 1/2023 published

In this issue you will find a press review on the following topics:

  • reception of Ukrainian refugees
  • dealing with violations of secularism in French schools
  • the situation of religious education in Spanish schools after the new school law came into force
  • Islamic education in Germany and in Switzerland

In the “monographic section” the editors have decided to elaborate a precise and in-depth reflection on the “alternative class” (“ora di alternativa”) to the teaching of Catholic religion through a multi-voiced debate between different protagonists.

Enjoy reading!

Download the issue 1 in 2023 here: EREnewsXIX_3_2023

You can subscribe to the EREnews at the bottom of the new website: .

Innovative materials for teachers on the topic of peace

“We must remember even if there will always be people looking to cause division and inflict violence, many will still choose peace and compassion at any cost, even their own lives.” This strong conclusion by pupils from Hungary on combating division and violence through peace and compassion ends one of the tours that make it possible to digitally experience places of special significance for peace and conflict around the globe. The map, which can be explored online, is one of the results of the Erasmus+ project “Schools joining up for communities of Peace” (SchoolCoPe), which ended at the end of August 2022 and was led by the global network of Protestant schools GPENreformation. In this project, pupils and teachers from six countries came together to exchange ideas about peace in their respective countries and all around the world. These reflections on the issues of peace and conflict are also reflected in the digital tours that have now been completed, which include a tour of Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin, of a Maltese centre for refugees in Hungary and of a boarding school in Michelbach in Germany. The pupils of the participating Protestant schools from Ireland, Germany, Slovakia and Hungary chose these places themselves and designed the tours.

On the so-called “Edumap” thus created, other Christian schools or other groups can now engage with the topic of peace in an innovative way. Either by exploring the tours and digitally travelling to places of peace and conflict in other regions and countries of the world, or by developing such a tour themselves for a place of their choice. 

For the latter, teachers can benefit from a handbook that was jointly designed and developed by the pupils, teachers and experts involved in the project. This e-book is available as an online version and for download on the GPENreformation website. The e-book consists of a main chapter with instructions on how to create a digital tour and three supplementary content chapters on the topics of peace education, religion and worldviews, and digitalisation. Teachers can use this handbook for self-learning and training, but it also contains materials and learning activities that are suitable for direct use in the classroom. In all chapters, the topics can be explored through different media such as videos, audio input or text material. Furthermore, the manual is available in several languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Slovak, Hungarian). Thus, this project can also be implemented in a simple way together with a partner school abroad – just like in the original project “Schools joining up for communities of Peace”. In current times of war and crisis, these encounters are more precious than ever.

ERASMUS+ project SYSMind started

Intercultural and interreligious aspects in Education and Sustainable Development

The ERASMUS+ project “Discovering a sustainable Mindset-SYSMind” has been started with a meeting in Vienna in April 2022. It had been well organised by the “Centre of Education for Sustainable Development and Spirituality” of the Viennese university college KPH Wien/Krems, which cooperates with PILGRIM. Participants from Spain, Germany, Latvia, Austria, Turkey, North Macedonia and Ukraine were present. The university college of Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy in Vienna, leading the project, created a homepage The output of this project will be teaching materials and a MOOC.