PILGRIM Conference in Silesia, Poland

One year ago, PILGRIM celebrated its 10th anniversary in Poland. In the eleventh year, the focus is on in-depth topics on how PILGRIM can affect students and schools. These questions were discussed at an international research conference on 18 November 2024 at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the University of Silesia in Cieszyn, Poland, entitled „Sustainable Development in Education – Activities within the International Pedagogical Network PILGRIM“.

From Austria, representatives of the International Pedagogical Network PILGRIM participated and underlined the importance of the European network. All guests from 19 institutions working together in the PILGRIM project (Education for Sustainable Development and Spirituality) were welcomed by the Vice Dean for Science and Artistic Creation, Magdalena Szyndler, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Education. Among the institutions were directors at schools, university professors, pastors of the local community, kindergartens, a nursing home and a penitentiary.

A spiritual musical festival was performed by students of the Institute of Music and enriched the programme.

In the second part of the meeting, a workshop took place on the topic „What can be added? What innovations need to be implemented? Proposals for PILGRIM“, in the course of which guidelines were developed for the existing and future new PILGRIM institutions.

Altogether, the theme taken up by the organisers of the conference raised extremely important questions related to sustainable development in education, i.e. the idea of PILGRIM.

Natalia M. Ruman, PILGRIM Ambassador in Poland
(article edited)

Nuremberg Forum 2024: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) – Spiritual Dimensions

At the end of September 2024, a three-day international academic forum took place in Nuremberg (Germany), organised by the department of ‚Religious Education and Didactics of Protestant Religious Education‘ at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. The representative of PILGRIM at CoGREE, Michael Holzwieser from the University College of Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (Vienna; https://haup.ac.at), held a workshop raising the question “How to deal with a ‘pressure to act’ facing ecological issues when teaching?”. This topic is urgent for many young people, as the “last generation” movement expresses the urgency in its naming. By the way, these movements were partly seen as a prophetic voice or as a sign of the time, that needs to be evaluated from a Christian point of view.

The workshop followed the thesis that value education and spirituality can contribute well to constructivist didactics of ESD. The spirituality of a ‘Theology of Creation’ was applied to a case study and the terms of spirituality, care for creation and official texts were discussed.

The PILGRIM concept combines the spiritual, ethical, and religious dimensions with Education of Sustainable Development and was mentioned as a best practice example. The participants found the Nuremberg Forum to be very profitable.

Memorandum on “Education for Sustainable Development – Spiritual Dimensions”
An interesting output of the Forum is the Memorandum. As a result of the three days at the Forum, it is a statement on what ESD, spirituality and the contribution of religion to ESD is.

Michael Holzwieser

On the path to renewal

What are our goals? How do we want to work together? Who is involved? The CoGREE team is currently addressing these fundamental questions. At its meeting in Nuremberg at the beginning of November 2024, a number of decisions were taken in this regard: For example, the statement of CoGREE’s mission, which dates back to its founding in 2007, is to be revised to sharpen its profile. In addition, the CoGREE team would like to devote more attention to providing mutual counselling to support member networks in their individual challenges and development processes. At the same time, joint topics should not be neglected: At this meeting, for example, there was an exchange on the topic of interreligious learning, and the necessity of a joint stance towards churches and politics in Europe was also discussed. This team meeting was also marked by personnel changes: Stephanie Polzhofer, the new representative of EuFRES, and Bert Roebben, the new chair of EFTRE, were welcomed in person for the first time (find out more about Stephanie and Bert in their introductory interviews). The entire CoGREE team was pleased with the spirit of renewal and looks forward to deepen the cooperation in 2025.

Celebrating 50 years of CEEC

On November 14, 15 and 16, the CEEC met in Strasbourg for its 103rd General Assembly. The European city for this biannual meeting of the European Committee for Catholic Education was not chosen by chance, as this special edition was the occasion to celebrate the organisation’s 50th anniversary.
Although education is not a competence of the European Union, since it is organised at the level of each state, the creation of the CEEC in 1974 gave rise to a European platform for Catholic education, which is concerned with educational and societal issues, as well as general questions linked to human rights and migration on a global level.
The CEEC is thus a point of dialogue and develops a network between European member countries that promotes collaboration and the activation of common projects related to education at European level. It is involved in the structuring of the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC), and acts as an interlocutor for European political and economic bodies.
This time, no fewer than 22 European countries came together in Strasbourg. A working session on the CEEC’s work was held at the European Parliament. The event also included a meeting at the Palace of Europe with Daniel GUERY, coordinator of the Forum of Catholic INGOs within the Council of Europe, of which the CEEC is a member. Finally, the President and Secretary General of the OIEC, Father Jawad ALAMAT, and Hervé LECOMTE, partners of the CEEC, were among the speakers at this 103rd edition of the CEEC General Assemblies.

CoGREE team reflects on future focus

The CoGREE Steering Group meeting on 15.05.24 (via Zoom) began under the impression of the death of Lesley Prior, the esteemed secretary of CoGREE and representative of EFTRE. She was remembered with deep sadness, especially as her burial ceremony took place that day. Lesley will be remembered by all as an extremely present, friendly and helpful person.

Stephanie Polzhofer from the Bavarian RPZ was welcomed as the new representative of EUFRES. The meeting, attended by Piet Janssen, Werner Haussmann, Louis Marie Piron, Bianca Kappelhoff, Stephanie Polzhofer and Michael Holzwieser, spent a long time discussing the nature, identity and aims of CoGREE (What makes CoGREE to be CoGREE?), supported by a stimulating presentation by Bianca Kappelhoff. It was recognized that this could only be the beginning of the discussion process. Regarding the future activities of CoGREE, it was agreed that there is currently a lack of resources to organize large public events, but that deepening the existing collaboration and supporting member activities would be useful. It was therefore decided to discuss the objectives further and to discuss possible changes to the basic understanding on the cogree.org website at the next meeting in the fall.

The next CoGREE Steering Group Meeting will take place on November 8 and 9, 2024 in Nuremberg, the European Board of ICCS will meet beforehand (November 7/8, 2024).

Louis Marie Piron agreed to organise the 2025 CoGREE meeting in Paris.

Finally, Werner Haussmann invited all those present to a conference at his university (30.09.-02.10.24) with the theme „Education for Sustainable Development – Spiritual Dimensions“: https://www.evrel.phil.fau.de/nuernberger-forum/nuremberg-forum-2024  

Piet Jansen closed the meeting with words of thanks and best wishes for the work of all participants.

Exchange of European education networks with CPCE

At the beginning of December, eight European networks dealing with religion and education in formal and non-formal settings met in Vienna. In addition to the representatives of CoGREE member organisations (see article ‚Future of CoGREE in the centre of annual conference‘), Walter Lüssi for OIKOSNET Europe and Heike Witzel for EAEE were also present. It was the second meeting of this group, which also includes other interested networks. Following the kick-off in December 2022 in Münster, Germany, the aim in Vienna was to further explore the form and potential of this collaboration. All participants emphasised the importance of this networking across education sectors and the will to continue working together under the provisional title ‚EDU network‘.

Apart from these general debates, the meeting in wintry Vienna focussed on exchanges with the Protestant Churches in Europe. The group met with Pastor Dr Mario Fischer, General Secretary of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE), which represents 95 churches that signed the Leuenberg Agreement (1973).

The intensive exchange of opinions and information brought both sides closer together and it was agreed that representatives of the EDU network would be welcomed as observers at the 2024 General Assembly of CPCE in Sibiu (Romania). It was also agreed to work more closely together on issues of religious education in the future. In addition, the issue of representation of interests and participation in the work of the Council of Europe was also a key topic. The CPCE had successfully applied for the status as an international NGO there this year.

Future of CoGREE in the centre of annual conference

On 1 and 2 December 2023, the CoGREE team met in Vienna. CoGREE brings together associations, organisations and networks that deal with issues of religion in education. Representatives of the member organisations (CEEC, EFTRE, EUFRES, ICCS, IV, PILGRIM) included: Piet Jansen (CoGREE moderator), Michael Jacobs, Werner Haussmann, Bianca Kappelhoff, Margaretha Hackermeier, Michael Holzwieser, Sonja Danner and Louis-Marie Piron. 

In addition to various reports and items on the agenda, the group exchanged about their current self-understanding more than 15 years after the founding statement of 2007 and discussed future prospects for CoGREE (e.g. successor format Klingenthal)

Thanks were expressed at the end of the conference to Michael Holzwieser for organising the meeting and to Margaretha Hackermeier for her many years of involvement, as she will be retiring from her position next year.

Digitalisation at Protestant schools – International conference in Ghana

From November 5th to November 10th, 2023, GPENreformation and the Presbyterian Church of Ghana invited around 60 members and ambassadors of the network from a total of 15 countries as well as 40 teachers and education officials from Ghana to Koforidua, Ghana. Together they discussed digitalisation in Protestant schools worldwide. The theme of the conference was „Seeds of Hope in complex Times – Protestant Education in the digital Era“.

Digital education opens up new educational opportunities. However, pupils need more than just technical education: They also need social skills to use digital tools and methods appropriately. The school of the future must therefore utilise digital educational materials, tools and access points where they add value and always reflect on the ethical responsibility that goes hand in hand with the technical development. In addition, the globally differing possibilities of stable internet access and the supply of hardware and software can cause new global injustices. For these reasons, GPENreformation will work politically to ensure that state funding for digital equipment in schools is also available to non-profit Protestant schools. The conference was an important step in this direction.

The programme of the event consisted of lectures, impulses and reports, workshops, excursions, church services, an ambassador meeting and diverse cultural performances.

For further informations click here:

This article was written by Dr Hendrik Niether.

Digitalisierung an evangelischen Schulen – Internationale Konferenz in Ghana

Vom 05. bis 10. November 2023 fanden sich auf Einladung von GPENreformation und der Presbyterian Church of Ghana etwa 60 Mitglieder und Botschafter*innen des Netzwerkes aus insgesamt 15 Ländern sowie 40 Lehrer*innen und Bildungsfunktionär*innen aus Ghana in Koforidua, Ghana, ein.  Gemeinsam diskutierten sie über Digitalisierung an Protestantischen Schulen weltweit. Das Thema der Konferenz lautete „Seeds of Hope in complex Times – Protestant Education in the digital Era”. 

Digitale Bildung eröffnet neue Bildungschancen. Doch Schüler*innen brauchen mehr als technische Bildung: Sie benötigen auch die entsprechenden sozialen Kompetenzen, mit digitalen Mitteln und Methoden angemessen umzugehen. Deshalb muss die Schule der Zukunft digitale Bildungsmaterialien, -tools und -zugänge dort nutzen, wo sie einen Mehrwert bringen, und stets reflektieren, welche ethische Verantwortung damit einhergeht. Hinzu kommt, dass die global unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten eines stabilen Internetzugangs und der Versorgung mit Hard- und Software neue globale Ungerechtigkeiten hervorrufen können. Aus diesen Gründen wird sich GPENreformation politisch dafür einsetzen, dass staatliche Gelder für die digitale Ausstattung der Schulen auch für die gemeinnützigen evangelischen Schulen zur Verfügung stehen. Die Konferenz war ein wichtiger Schritt auf diesem Weg.

Das Programm der Veranstaltung bestand aus Vorlesungen, Impulsen und Berichten, Workshops, Exkursionen, Gottesdiensten, einem Botschaftertreffen und vielseitigen kulturellen Darbietungen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem folgenden Link:

Dieser Artikel wurde von Dr Hendrik Niether geschrieben.

CEEC Newsletter October 2023

CoGREE’s member organisation CEEC, the European Committee for Catholic Education, has published its latest newsletter issue.

In this Newsletter, you will find news from some of the CEEC members and a review of their recent meeting in Madrid. You will also find a report on the OIEC Congress in Marseille in December 2022, including a link to the texts of the contributions.

English version: 2023October_Newsletter14EN

French version: 2023Octobre_Newsletter14FR

11 around one table

“Why haven‘t we done this before?” This was the reaction of one of the participants at the European networking event on education, which took place in Münster (Germany) on 2nd December 2022. For the first time eleven European organisations working in the field of education came together to explore common interests. Quickly it became clear: we have a lot in common!

After having presented the organisations they are engaged in, the participants got a first glimpse of the knots that may tie them together to an even stronger net. The group of 11 investigated four areas: target groups, activities, topics and challenges. And even though some organisations work on religious education as a subject at school, others in adult education and the next with children in congregations or at Christian schools, similar interests started to appear.

The resume of this first adventure was unanimously positive and it was agreed to continue the exchange on the aspects of common interest identified together. The evening was rounded off with a cup of mulled wine at the Christmas market and a shared dinner.

Participating organisations:

CEECEuropean Committee for Catholic Education
CECConference of European Churches
EAEEEuropean Protestant and Anglican Network for life-long learning
ECCEThe European Conference on Christian Education
EFTREEuropean Forum for Teachers of Religious Education
EuFRESEuropean Forum for Religious Education in Schools
ICCSIntereuropean Commission on Church and School
IVInternational Association for Christian Education
PILGRIMInternational Education Network PILGRIM
OIKOSNETEcumenical Association of Academies and Laity Centres in Europe
EBNEuropean Bibliodrama Network

PILGRIM Newsletter November 2022

It’s time again for the latest PILGRIM newsletter!

As mentioned in the last PILGRIM newsletter, all schools are invited to present their projects at the certification ceremony on June 6th, 2023. Don’t miss the registration deadline, it has been prolonged until the end of January 2023!

In this issue there is an interesting commentary by Dr. Martin Jäggle on the topic „Democracy needs more participation“ and in addition to announcements of shortly upcoming events in 2022 and 2023, there are recommendations for various Christmas-Instead-Activities and, as usual, new literature on sustainability and spirituality. Please also note that next year there will be an edition of the PILGRIM-Mit-Welt-Experte-Pass for the Upper School.

We would also like to point out, among other things, the reports on the PILGRIM kick-off workshop on the goals of Laudato Si‘ and the PILGRIM certifications during the 9th International PILGRIM Conference in Poland in September, alongside the demands of the Alliance for Climate Justice, of which PILGRIM is also a member, for the COP27 climate conference, as well as information on the Laudato Si‘ Action Platform (LSAP), in which all schools are invited to participate.

Enjoy reading all of this and more!


PILGRIM Newsletter September 2022

20 years of PILGRIM! This shall be motivation for the academic year 2022/2023 to update the thoughts on what religious education has to contribute in terms of sustainability and to plan further steps. A special event will then be the certification ceremony on June 6th, 2023, for which registration is already requested.

What else can you read about in the new PILGRIM newsletter?

  • Project reports for 2021/22 from two PILGRIM schools with comments on the current situation
  • Event announcements on sustainability & spirituality
  • Presentation of various PILGRIM activities
  • Information on the PILGRIM-Mit-Welt-Experte-Pass
  • Notes on other events
  • New literature on sustainability & spirituality

Enjoy reading!


PILGRIM Newsletter July 2022

Check out the latest PILGRIM newsletter announcing lots of upcoming events on sustainability & spirituality for August, September and October, as well as the course „Climate Justice – Ethical Reflection and Transformative Action“.

Find out about the activities of the PILGRIM member „Jugend Eine Welt“, which supports Ukrainian refugees in a variety of ways, e.g. through workshops and material support.
Jugend Eine Welt has now been in existence for 25 years. Congratulations!

In addition, you can read in the newsletter which institutions and schools were PILGRIM-certified in 2022 and awarded alongside the new Mit-Welt-Experts. In June, many PILGRIM activities could be carried out again, such as redeeming the PILGRIM Youth Price 2020 and a two-day pilgrimage.
Sr. Karina Beneder has something to report from Peru again. And finally, a few suggestions for further reading on the topics of sustainability & spirituality.

Enjoy reading!


CEEC Newsletter July 2022

CoGREE’s member organisation CEEC, the European Committee for Catholic Education, has published its latest newsletter issue. Learn more about their General Assembly, which was held on 29 and 30 April 2022 in Vienna, the live webinar from Lviv entitled „Ukrainian Catholic schools in the drama of war“ and the new Secretary General of CEEC Louis-Marie Piron.

English version: 2022July_Newsletter11

French version: 2022Juillet_Newsletter11

ERASMUS+ project SYSMind started

Intercultural and interreligious aspects in Education and Sustainable Development

The ERASMUS+ project “Discovering a sustainable Mindset-SYSMind” has been started with a meeting in Vienna in April 2022. It had been well organised by the “Centre of Education for Sustainable Development and Spirituality” of the Viennese university college KPH Wien/Krems, which cooperates with PILGRIM. Participants from Spain, Germany, Latvia, Austria, Turkey, North Macedonia and Ukraine were present. The university college of Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy in Vienna, leading the project, created a homepage https://www.sustainablemindset.eu The output of this project will be teaching materials and a MOOC.

Live-Webinar from Ukraine

24 February 2022: Russia declared war on Ukraine and invaded the country. No less than 3 months later, the country is still at war. But what is the situation in Ukrainian Catholic schools today? What are the urgent needs of schools and religious communities? To what extent can we, as stakeholders and representatives of Catholic schools in Europe, support our Ukrainian counterparts?

These and other questions were addressed in a live webinar from Lviv on 12 May 2022 co-organised by representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Commission for Education, the European Committee for Catholic Education (CEEC) and the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC).

This event, moderated by Philippe Richard (OIEC) and Guy Selderslagh (CEEC), gave the floor to several players and representatives of the Catholic school in Ukraine:

  • Father Petro Mayba, head of the Education Commission of the Greek Catholic Church of Ukraine
  • Sister Khrystophora Bushtyn, member of the Public Council of Churches and Religious Organisations at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine
  • Olya Riy, Headteacher of St Sofia’s School in Lviv
  • Halyna Tuziak, Headteacher of St Nicholas Nursery School in Lviv

Here below you can find their contributions as transcripts in several languages.