New Book from PILGRIM

Hisch, J., Kubiak, P. & Wogowitsch, C. (eds.) (2024):
PILGRIM in Dialogue with Sustainability and Spirituality.
PILGRIM Compendium. PILGRIM-Own Edition: Poland.
ISBN 978-3-9519752-1-4    Information at

The basic intention of the International Education Network PILGRIM is to link the topic of sustainability with the ethical-philosophical-religious dimension of education. This edition presents the content and actions of PILGRIM and explains its pedagogy. In addition, the publication also provides the organisational framework from which PILGRIM proceeds. In addition, the relevant texts are cited as well as spiritual texts from certification events in recent years.

EREnews 1/2023 published

In this issue you will find a press review on the following topics:

  • reception of Ukrainian refugees
  • dealing with violations of secularism in French schools
  • the situation of religious education in Spanish schools after the new school law came into force
  • Islamic education in Germany and in Switzerland

In the “monographic section” the editors have decided to elaborate a precise and in-depth reflection on the “alternative class” (“ora di alternativa”) to the teaching of Catholic religion through a multi-voiced debate between different protagonists.

Enjoy reading!

Download the issue 1 in 2023 here: EREnewsXIX_3_2023

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Innovative materials for teachers on the topic of peace

“We must remember even if there will always be people looking to cause division and inflict violence, many will still choose peace and compassion at any cost, even their own lives.” This strong conclusion by pupils from Hungary on combating division and violence through peace and compassion ends one of the tours that make it possible to digitally experience places of special significance for peace and conflict around the globe. The map, which can be explored online, is one of the results of the Erasmus+ project “Schools joining up for communities of Peace” (SchoolCoPe), which ended at the end of August 2022 and was led by the global network of Protestant schools GPENreformation. In this project, pupils and teachers from six countries came together to exchange ideas about peace in their respective countries and all around the world. These reflections on the issues of peace and conflict are also reflected in the digital tours that have now been completed, which include a tour of Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin, of a Maltese centre for refugees in Hungary and of a boarding school in Michelbach in Germany. The pupils of the participating Protestant schools from Ireland, Germany, Slovakia and Hungary chose these places themselves and designed the tours.

On the so-called “Edumap” thus created, other Christian schools or other groups can now engage with the topic of peace in an innovative way. Either by exploring the tours and digitally travelling to places of peace and conflict in other regions and countries of the world, or by developing such a tour themselves for a place of their choice. 

For the latter, teachers can benefit from a handbook that was jointly designed and developed by the pupils, teachers and experts involved in the project. This e-book is available as an online version and for download on the GPENreformation website. The e-book consists of a main chapter with instructions on how to create a digital tour and three supplementary content chapters on the topics of peace education, religion and worldviews, and digitalisation. Teachers can use this handbook for self-learning and training, but it also contains materials and learning activities that are suitable for direct use in the classroom. In all chapters, the topics can be explored through different media such as videos, audio input or text material. Furthermore, the manual is available in several languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Slovak, Hungarian). Thus, this project can also be implemented in a simple way together with a partner school abroad – just like in the original project “Schools joining up for communities of Peace”. In current times of war and crisis, these encounters are more precious than ever.

PILGRIM Newsletter November 2022

It’s time again for the latest PILGRIM newsletter!

As mentioned in the last PILGRIM newsletter, all schools are invited to present their projects at the certification ceremony on June 6th, 2023. Don’t miss the registration deadline, it has been prolonged until the end of January 2023!

In this issue there is an interesting commentary by Dr. Martin Jäggle on the topic “Democracy needs more participation” and in addition to announcements of shortly upcoming events in 2022 and 2023, there are recommendations for various Christmas-Instead-Activities and, as usual, new literature on sustainability and spirituality. Please also note that next year there will be an edition of the PILGRIM-Mit-Welt-Experte-Pass for the Upper School.

We would also like to point out, among other things, the reports on the PILGRIM kick-off workshop on the goals of Laudato Si’ and the PILGRIM certifications during the 9th International PILGRIM Conference in Poland in September, alongside the demands of the Alliance for Climate Justice, of which PILGRIM is also a member, for the COP27 climate conference, as well as information on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP), in which all schools are invited to participate.

Enjoy reading all of this and more!

PILGRIM Newsletter September 2022

20 years of PILGRIM! This shall be motivation for the academic year 2022/2023 to update the thoughts on what religious education has to contribute in terms of sustainability and to plan further steps. A special event will then be the certification ceremony on June 6th, 2023, for which registration is already requested.

What else can you read about in the new PILGRIM newsletter?

  • Project reports for 2021/22 from two PILGRIM schools with comments on the current situation
  • Event announcements on sustainability & spirituality
  • Presentation of various PILGRIM activities
  • Information on the PILGRIM-Mit-Welt-Experte-Pass
  • Notes on other events
  • New literature on sustainability & spirituality

Enjoy reading!

PILGRIM Newsletter July 2022

Check out the latest PILGRIM newsletter announcing lots of upcoming events on sustainability & spirituality for August, September and October, as well as the course „Climate Justice – Ethical Reflection and Transformative Action“.

Find out about the activities of the PILGRIM member „Jugend Eine Welt“, which supports Ukrainian refugees in a variety of ways, e.g. through workshops and material support.
Jugend Eine Welt has now been in existence for 25 years. Congratulations!

In addition, you can read in the newsletter which institutions and schools were PILGRIM-certified in 2022 and awarded alongside the new Mit-Welt-Experts. In June, many PILGRIM activities could be carried out again, such as redeeming the PILGRIM Youth Price 2020 and a two-day pilgrimage.
Sr. Karina Beneder has something to report from Peru again. And finally, a few suggestions for further reading on the topics of sustainability & spirituality.

Enjoy reading!