My day at Liverpool Cathedral

Hello guys and welcome to my blog!
Yesterday we went to Liverpool Cathedral. The Liverpool Cathedral was beautiful, but let’s start at the beginning.
The alarm went off at 7 am and we all woke up. Then we took the bus to a nice restaurant to eat breakfast. I had porridge with strawberries and an orange juice and it was very tasty. After that, we took the bus for another three hours to the Cathedral. When we finally arrived, we had to wait for about an hour before we were finally let in.
The Cathedral was very very beautiful inside and out. It was very large and impressive and when you said something you could hear your echo.
There were many bright lamps that made the walls appear golden. It also had big windows with coloured glass. We could see a huge stairs as well.
As we walked through the cathedral we noticed many benches next to us where the people sit when there is a mass.
As you can see, we have learned many interesting facts about the Liverpool Cathedral. Let me know if you want to go there too!

Anika Klingenstein