Liverpools Football

In Liverpool are two different teams and each of this teams has their own stadium. One stadium is from FC Liverpool and the other one is from FC Everton. Liverpools stadium was built 1884. Before Liverpool played in the stadium, it was the stadium from Everton. The stadium is called ,,The Anfield Road”, in which fit around 60.700 spectators. The trainer of Liverpool is Jürgen Klopp and Mohammed Salah, Virgil Van Dijk and Allison Becker are some examples for player of this team. At the moment is Liverpol placed 3rd in the Premier League.
Evertons stadium is named ,,Goodison Park”. The stadium was built in 1892. It fits 52.000 spectators. Soon there will be a new stadium, which costs around 500 million pounds. The new stadium will be named ,,Bramley-Moore Docks”. Evertons trainer is Sean Dyche.
Arnaut Danjuma, Dele Alli, Amadou Onana and more are players of this team. Right now is Everton placed 16th in the Premier League.
Liverpool vs Everton is a city derby, were the stadiums of both teams are just around one kilometer away from each other.
The last 3 games go out:
Everton 2:0 Liverpool
Liverpool 2:0 Everton
Liverpool 2:0 Everton

Nick Puplick
#Stadium, #Everton, #Liverpool, #City Derby, #Football

The Weekend in Liverpool

Hi I’m Gwen,
My Family and i was a Weekend in Liverpool.
On friday we went to the Liverpool Cathedral.
It was very exciting and fun. Afterwards we went for
ice cream. And it was so delicious! Then we went to our Hotel. It looks very niche there.Then we went to the bed. In the morning there was breakfast at the buffet. I ate some toast and cereal. Later we went to a Beatles museum. It was very nice.My favorite song was let it be. Then we went to a suvinier shop. I bought a trailer. Afterwards we went for a walk in the woods. I like the forest. When we were back at the hotel we watched a movie. Later I talked to my best friend on the phone. Then we went to sleep. On sunday morning I ate bread with jam. Afterwards we went for a swim in the lake. The lake was called “The Lake”.The water was cold. But it was ok. Later we went for lunch. Then we packed our things in the hotel and go home. I liked it very much. The sights were super great!


Nelly Schorch
#Funny Weekend,#Liverpool

Liverpool how cool

I tell you something about my weekend in Liverpool.
At the first day we walk to the Superlambanana my parents took a lot of photos I didn’t find it so interesting, it seens like a dogbanana. After that we ate something and went for a little shop. So the first day was not really good,but let see we have another day. At the next day we heart the hohl day Beatles songs it was terrible I can’t hear that anymore. But my Mom and Dad sang all of them with they like it ): . And that all because we want to go to the Beatles Walking Tour. I was surprised because it wasn’t that bad we became a lot of information and mad a lot of Quiz. At the middle of the walk we ate yummy food and enjoy the sunset with a story of the Beatles.
So the second day wasn’t that bad how I thought. Now I’m home and Liverpool was really cool and interesting, I can omit it. Go to Liverpool (;

Anna Friedrich

A weekend in Liverpool :)

On Friday I was at the Museum The Beatles Story and there I learned that the Beatles got to know each other in the Cavern Club, so I, my parents and my sister are there in the evening. After that, I went to bed excitedly because we wanted to go in the Anfield Stadium in Liverpool the next Day. In the morning we took the train to the stadium. Liverpool played 2:2 agaist West Ham. After that we are to the Albert Dock harbour to see the river the Mersey. There everyone had the funny English dialect Scouse. And then, unfortunately, it eas already the last day. 🙁 On that day, we went to the cathedral church in Liverpool. And in the evening we are in the Cowshed Liverpool restaurant. I ate steak with fries there. That was my weekend in Liverpool bye. <3

Marie Götz
my weekend, football, the Beatles, food, Liverpool

I and my family at the London derby

Chelsea vs Liverpool, that was the game of the day. I and Dad and Mum goes in the stadion, we check the tickets and goes inside. It was beautiful and I was amazed at the size of the stadium. I cant believe that I were in Anfield, my parents was amazed too. The games begin and Chelsea scores the first goal, but then Liverpool scores two times and turns the game. The rest of the game was exciting and full of good chances for both teams. But the decisive thing is that Liverpool won. After the game all Liverpool fans are drunk, my parents too and we celebrate the win. Then we sang the Liverpool Anthem and the players also celebrate the win. I goes out of the stadium, to the hotel. In the hotel we are so happy and broken, that we only fall in sleep.

Steve Ziegler
Liverpool, Chelsea, derby, football, family

A weekend in Liverpool

When we got to the Hotel, I first unpacked all my stuff. After that our Teacher said that we’re already gonna do our first little trip to a museum about slavery. So I got myself ready and we headed out, to the museum, in a big group. When we got there, a guid started telling us were we are gonna look around and what we are mostly gonna look at. He also told us that we can look around ourselfs in little groups at the end of his tour.
The first thing we saw was a mask hanging on the wall and Gareth literally jumped in front of it and started mimiking the mask. I onestly thought it was kind of funny, but Morgan really did not like that he did that.
But the tour guide also had to laugh a little and started telling us about the history of this mask.
After that we started walking a bit and I saw some kind of drum. Because I didn’t really know what that was I asked the tour guide and he explained to us things like „Who played it?”, for example. He then also showed us a lot more things and then it was time to walk around a bit on our own. We walked along some of the corridors and it was really sad to see, what the people in slavery had to go through back then.
After a while our teacher called us and every single group headed back to the entrance. The teacher then checked if everyone was there and we headed back to the hotel.

Marie B
Liverpool, museum, slavery, slavery museum, masks, drums, sad