The perfect day in the slavery museum

The day at the slavery museum was very interesting, but also depressing. For the reason that Gareth made fun of a mask that looks like a goat’s face. At first I thought it was funny too, but then I realized there was a story behind it. The story behind it was that it was made in West Africa a long time ago. Similar masks are worn today in Nigeria at the festival of the Ogoni people. There are also special drums. The name of these drums is Udu. It is an instrument of the Igbo people. They are made of clay and not wood. They also look like pots of water. Originally they were used to transport water, until a woman found out that they could also make music. Because carrying water was a woman’s job, udus were played by women. Another drum called djembe, it´s a drum of the Bamana people. It make another sound, because it played with bare hands, not with sticks. This day was unforgettable because I learned a lot about the culture of the Africans.

Johanna Dunkel
interesting, slavery museum, udu, djembe, goat mask